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Medium / Acrylic on Canvas

Size / 60 x 90 cm

Mental Health Awareness Month (MAY 2021)

Collaboration with @theartisticpsychologist

Colouring Book

Launched in the month of May, globally recognised as ‘Mental Health Awareness Month’, this project is intended to shine light on the realities of mental health and wellness.


With Paulyne as a Psychologist- specialising with children and adolescents- and with myself as a Visual Artist - reflecting the times in which we are living in- it was rather personal to the both of us. A dynamic was formed where our views and concerns about mental wellness intersected and formed the basis for the contents of the project.


It is Afrocentric, feminist, and the subjects are critically researched- drawing inspiration from the entire continent of Africa, its people and culture. It is my intention that anyone who makes use of the content, for their own entertainment or education, may enjoy the authentic feel of hand-drawn visuals that are very intentional in their scope.

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